Martial Arts in Seniority
Martial Arts in Seniority In order to judge something, you must have something relevant to compare it to. Why then, have I chosen to train
Martial Arts in Seniority In order to judge something, you must have something relevant to compare it to. Why then, have I chosen to train
Pukulan Pak Flohr Besides the various Serak styles which are taught in the NKI (Naga Kuning Institute), the Pukulan from Pak Flohr (or Pukulan Pak
Serak Lineage from Pak Serak until the 1980s Serak Lineage from Pak Serak until the 1980s All Silat styles taught at the NKI come officially
Why Practice Serak If You Already Practice Bukti Negara? Today, we’ll address a question that is often misunderstood or misinterpreted, either because nothing has been
Let Me Ask Mas Djut by Chris Gielen We spent many nights on the mat long after the group classes concluded for the evening,
Serak and His Secret Teaching Today we will discuss the famous SERAK and his SECRET teaching. As you may know from following this page, Bukti
Self Defense or Traditional Martial Art? Personal defense in Everett In this article, we will talk about the importance of self-defense and martial arts. Let’s
Interested in becoming a Group Leader ? Click Here MMA vs Traditional Martial Arts: Which one to choose? MMA vs Traditional Martial Arts? Which one
Interested in becoming a Group Leader ? Click Here Why Practice Martial Arts in the 21st Century Why Practice Martial Arts? There are times when
Interested in becoming a Group Leader ? Click Here The first Bukti Negara lesson You have finally decided to approach Pukulan Bukti Negara, to experience
Learn how to train a solo drill and how to convert it in several applications